Telegram Limits - InFoTel

Just like any other service, Telegram uses limits to ensure that users follow Fair Usage Policy and to keep the service running. This table lists the currently known Telegram limits and is being kept up to date.


Username (e.g. @cameraman) - 5 to 32 characters
Bio - up to 70 characters
First Name length - from 1 to 64 characters
Last Name length - from 0 to 64 characters
Self-destruction period if no activity - 1, 3, 6 and 12 months (6 by default)
Spam ban - 3 days or more
Channels and supergroups number  (you can be member of ) - up to 500 (including ones you own)
Saved GIFs number - up to 200
Video-avatar -  duration up to 10 seconds
Group and channel creation - up to 50 in a day
Accounts number (official clients) - up to 3

Chats and groups

Participants (limit can be raised) - up to 200,000
Number of admins in groups - up to 50
Number of bots in groups - up to 20
Pinned chats in main list - up to 5 chats or channels + 5 secret chats
Group name and description - up to 255 characters
Message editing - in 48 hours after sending; unlimited in Saved and for admins with pinning rights
Photo and video self-destruction - 1 to 60 seconds
Recent actions (subscriptions, posts, etc.) - last two days
Mentions number in a single message - up to 50, else notifications won't be sent
Visible messages number in group - 1,000,000 last messages
Number of participants to see statistics - at least 500
Username change reservation (time before username will be available for everyone, not just the original owner) - about 15-30 minutes


Public usernames number for a single account - up to 10 (including groups)
Length of @username - 5 to 32 characters
Channel name and description - up to 255 characters
Posts editing - unlimited
Channel subscribers number - unlimited
Visible subscribers for channel admin - 200 people
Channel deletion - channels with more than 1K subscribers can be deleted only with Telegram support
Private channel access without subscription - up to 5 minutes once a day
Inviting users - up to 200 people
Number of subscribers to see statistics - at least 500
Username change reservation (time before username will be available for everyone, not just the original owner) - about 15-30 minutes


One message length - up to 4,096 characters
Media captions - up to 1,024 characters
File size limit - up to 2.0 GB
Video message duration - up to 1 minute
Images and videos in single message (album) - up to 10 items
Scheduled messages number - up to 100 items
Schedule range - up to 365 days


Folders amount - up to 10 folders
Pinned chats in a folder - up to 100 chats

People Nearby

Visibility range - about 12 kilometers
Visible users amount - up to 100 people
Visible geochats number - up to 10 closest


Bots number (created by @BotFather) - up to 20 items
Length of @username for bots - 5 to 32 characters
Bot info length (/setabouttext) - up to 120 characters
Bot description length - up to 512 characters
File upload limit (BotAPI) - up to 50 MB
File download limit (BotAPI) - up to 20 MB
Message forwarding - up to 2,000 per hour
Keyboard buttons number - up to 100 entities
Message formatting data - up to 10 KB
Messages frequency (can be raised by support) - up to 30 messages per second; 20 per minute for public chats and channels


Global search results - up to 10 items; up to 3 for Android
Minimal query length for global search - at least 4 characters


Added packs number - up to 200 items
Favorite stickers number - up to 5 items
Stickers in a pack number - up to 120 for static, up to 50 for animated
Sticker size - one side equal to 512px, the other side 512px or less; strictly 512x512 for animated
Animation duration - up to 3 seconds
Sticker file size - up to 512 KB for static, up to 64 KB for animated
FPS - either 30 or 60


Accounts number in @telegraph bot - up to 5 items
Article size - up to 64 KiB


Video avatar properties - 800x800px, up to 2 MB

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