How To Create Telegram Channel Index Link
"I have few friends who do not use Telegram, for some reason. And occasionally few of them approaches me to get this film/show they wants to watch. Since they don't use telegram generating links for the file is the only option. They are my friends and I care about them, so I'll get the file and give them the link. I'm quite lazy and even though I care about my friends, repeating the same process of finding the file generating the link is not what i enjoy. So i was thinking for a solution, the first thing that came to my mind is to introduce them to any of the google drive indexing apps. But I had access to quite a lot of Telegram files, so I thought of why not create a telegram indexer. I took the weekend to build one such app, and i hope it will fix my issue" Telegram Index Python Web App which indexes a telegram channel(or a chat) and serves its files for download. Overview This app indexes all the available messages. If the message is a media m...